On the Issues

Lore Breitmeyer Jones stands with the residents of Commissioner Pct. 3 to change our community, together.

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Safety & Security

The needs of our community must be of utmost importance and our elected officials must be accountable for ensuring those needs are met. It is imperative that safety and security remain a focus at all times for our community, going beyond basic public safety to include implementing responsible health and safety strategies, protecting our natural environment and our community from invasive species, and prioritizing flood mitigation for our neighbors.



For our community to prosper, it is essential that we emphasize the importance of communication between our residents and our county officials when it comes to transportation. This includes transparency for the bidding process for infrastructure projects, encouraging public comment before changing traffic patterns that can negatively effect our families and businesses, and hiring qualified project managers who work with our community so road projects do not harm our businesses.

Lore Breitmeyer Jones volunteering for Children’s Books on Wheels.

Lore Breitmeyer Jones volunteering for Children’s Books on Wheels.

Services for our Community

Now more than ever, it is imperative that our county officials recognize and value the importance of social services as a key function of government. We must preserve our social services for our children and our seniors to support their quality of life. We do this through fostering better public and private partnerships and strengthening our community relationships. We ensure funding for social services as a safety net during challenging times and we fully fund our public libraries and community centers to enrich our community.